Timber Tiles Faqs
Most Frequent Timber Tiles Questions and Answers
Easy to clean, just vacuum or wet rag. For extreme cases, Saicos offers ecocline magic cleaner concentrate that is a solvent-free surface and wood cleaner! Nicotine film, grease or dirt have no chance against it.
Timber Tiles are finished with a commercial grade flooring finish. It is extremely durable with a long-proven track record. No Maintenance is required but we recommend periodic cleaning to keep your tile looking their best.
Yes, small touchup bottles of finish are available if some unforeseen damage occurs. Simply wipe on with a rag, buff off and let dry for an hour.
Yes, the half lap joint was chosen because it allows for a single tile to be removed and replaced without damaging any surrounding tile.
Yes, wood has been used in bathrooms for centuries. Just avoid the shower stall or areas of direct water contact. The wood can get wet with condensation and dry naturally.
Yes, the tile will repel water but is still vapor open, meaning it will breathe with the building. The tile will not trap moisture in the wall and will adjust seasonally to humidity changes. The movement is tiny and accounted for in the joint between tiles.
The gaps do not collect dust bunnies. What does collect is invisible, I have not cleaned my own bedroom wall in 5 years and the reveal lines show no sign of dust. But a simple vacuum or duster will clean them right up.
Yes, our colors are prepared in a factory and are consistent. We monitor our application line for exact finish distribution. What is wonderfully variable is the natural colors of the wood. We celebrate all the beauty the wood reveals to us, influenced by the age of the tree, growth rate, location, soil, exposure, climate, species
We are ready to ship pallets now. It takes two days for the factory to run a special color. We maintain stock of Clear and Arctic at all times. Shipping is from Port Alberni. We prefer to send out pallets of 50 boxes, or 100m2. Special shipping can be arranged for smaller orders.
Yes, the 80 mm width is a factory preset as is the 3mm reveal, but we over the tile with a length of 330mm, 246mm, 163mm and 80mm. The width of the tiles, plus reveal will always add up a length, so four tiles stacked is the same as the 330mm tile in length, or three tiles stacked add up to the 246mm tile in length.
Yes, but at this time we are focusing purely of our launch colors.
Tiles can be combined vertically or horizontally, with four lengths available to play. Our website will offer some patterns, but we will never exhaust the options.
Sure, if you are handy and competent to do the work. Basic install videos will be available on YouTube. A few simple tools will get you through an install. An instruction sheet is included in every box.
Timber Tiles Questions and Answers